DMKTZ utilized the Legitimate Tags to create their phygital drop as part of their NYC Community event. They embedded the tags into t-shirts individually dyed by CHILLGA. The shirts are then compressed into cubes, a nod to their mystery box NFTs that are unveiled when users unlock their NFTs.
This t-shirt collection is a collaboration between DMKTZ, plain-me, CHILLGA, and Changchenyu.
DMKTZ utilized the Legitimate Tags to create their phygital drop as part of their NYC Community event. They embedded the tags into t-shirts individually dyed by CHILLGA. The shirts are then compressed into cubes, a nod to their mystery box NFTs that are unveiled when users unlock their NFTs.
This t-shirt collection is a collaboration between DMKTZ, plain-me, CHILLGA, and Changchenyu.